Staff station

The staff station allows you to work with RFID in the staff workplace as well. The Staff station consists of an RFID antenna for the computer. Together they create the perfect link to the library management system.

The staff station allows you to seamlessly use RFID within the library management system. Based on the transaction, our software will turn security on or off. By using RFID you directly increase the ease of use for employees and customers. In some cases, this is even done automatically. For employees, the advantage is great: one continues to work in the existing familiar software environment.


  • Collection and loan of materials:
    Manually take or lend materials using RFID technology.
  • Securing Materials:
    Manually turn on or off the security of the materials.
  • Converting materials:
    Converting materials by using the conversion program.
  • Automatically adjust security:
    By using the plugin capabilities, the library system can specify whether to turn security on or off.
  • Automatic programming of ISIL code:
    The isil code can be programmed automatically during conversion.
  • Quick Convert:
    With the itrack tools conversion software, you can quickly convert materials without the use of a keyboard or mouse.
  • Supports quality standards:
    SIP2, ISO15.693, ISO28.560 (international data model), Dutch Data Model




RFID all-in-one antenna

This antenna is a combined RFID reader and antenna. It is placed under the employee’s desk, but can also be placed on the desku. In this way, the material can be read and written on top of the desk from any workstation.

itrack tools

Part of the staff station is software. In itrack tools includes extensive capabilities for converting materials, editing materials, and main processing of materials

Benefits of the Staff station

  1. Loaning of materials
  2. Turning book security on or off
  3. Handing in materials
  4. Converting RFID labels
  5. Extending materials
  6. Editing of RFID labels
  7. Easy to use
  8. Working in the familiar software environment